This is Our Story

As former professional baseball players, we were all too familiar with the challenges of trying to decide where to train in the offseason. We struggled to find the facilities, trainers, and coaches near us and when we finally did, we had to hope their training fit our needs.
This problem led us to ask ourselves a simple question that would later become our mission: How do I find the best qualified pros near me? So we set out to solve that problem for everyone and The Pro's List was born.
Through our collective years as professional athletes, we developed an understanding of what was required for an athlete to elevate their game to the next level. For all ages and skill levels, connecting athletes with ideal service providers has been fractured and inefficient so we designed a website that efficiently meets the needs of everyone.

Everyone knows to be a professional pitcher you need a pitching coach; however, without proper physical training, a mental approach, or a diet that allows you to recover, you will find yourself at a significant disadvantage. The Pro’s List has set out to help athletes find every service they will need as they continue to develop their game.
From the young child looking to take their first pitching lesson at the local park, to the All-Star looking for a place to workout while on vacation, the Pro’s List has you covered.